ESF Next Generation Sequencing Meeting

Leiden, The Netherlands, August 29 - September 1, 2010

Note: Registration is closed.



Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies enable high-throughput sequencing for a multitude of applications, including de novo sequencing, re-sequencing of (subsets of) genomic DNA, whole transcriptome sequencing, tag-based transcript sequencing, and metagenomics sequencing. There has been active research in these and other NGS applications resulting in a rapidly developing field. While the second-generation technologies are being further improved, third-generation sequencing is already becoming available and utilized by pioneer researchers. However, because of the rapid developments, many scientists, some just considering the use of NGS technology, have a need for information and sharing of experiences. Furthermore, recent results show applications emerging in fields that are not immediately obvious, including evolution, environmental, forensics and archeology.

We aim at bringing together the experts in the field to present their work and share their experiences with European researchers. This will accelerate the diffusion and exchange of information among European researchers, including those from regions where NGS is not yet being used.

Costs: Students: 100 euro, Academic: 200 euro, commercial: 400 euro

Young Researchers Program

The ESF Next Generation Sequencing Meeting has a special program for the next generation of genomics researchers. This dedicated Young Researchers Program will bring together the leaders in NGS and talented young researchers, and focuses on two aspects that are important for a career in science:

1.Scientific quality; young scientists are invited to send in abstracts of their research, from which the scientific committee selects two abstracts per session for oral presentation. Selected young scientists are also invited to participate in a lunch session with the keynote speakers of their session, in which they get the opportunity to discuss their research.

2.Presentation; among the ten presenters, one will receive the Best Presentation Award, based on the quality of the research, the presentation itself, and the response to questions. The young scientists of whom the abstracts are not selected for oral presentation, get to present their research in topic-specific poster sessions. Through a democratic process involving all participants, the best poster will be awarded the Poster Award.

Registration procedure:
Any Ph.D. candidate or researcher in her/his first postdoctoral research project is eligible to participate in this program. Please indicate that you are eligible to participate in the Young Researchers Program by ticking the corresponding box, and submitting your abstract. Please also indicate in which of the oral session topics your research would fit best.